Latest Release: 0.10.5
Latest Development Version: 8723-05d1cff6e
mGBA 0.3.0
Aug 16, 2015
Read moreA new release of mGBA, version 0.3.0, is available. This is a major feature release. Some of the more prominent features include the addition of support for rotation and tilt sensors on controllers with analog sticks, default controller profiles for some of the more common controllers, improved synchronization, the beginning of the debug suite, and much more. An extensive list follows after the cut.
Cycle Counting, Memory Stalls, Prefetch and Other Pitfalls
Jun 27, 2015
Read moreWhen writing a video game emulator, the first and most foundational step is to implement the system’s CPU. At first glance, this seems to primarily involve implementing the instruction set. After all, the instruction set is what actually specifies what the system does at a basic level. However, just as important, is another feature of the CPU, known as cycles.
A Call for Developers!
Jun 9, 2015
Read moreHave you always wanted to contribute to an emulator? mGBA has reached a point where it is looking for more developers to help with the creation of the next generation Game Boy Advance emulator. As the scope of the project has expanded, the number of potential tasks to make it great has expanded, giving room for new developers to help. If you’d like to help, there are quite a few areas that are open.
mGBA 0.2.1
May 13, 2015
Read moreA new release of mGBA, version 0.2.1, is available. This version is primarily a bugfix release. An extensive list of changes follows after the cut.
mGBA 0.2.0
Apr 3, 2015
Read moreA new release of mGBA, version 0.2.0, is available. Two years to the day since mGBA started development, 0.2.0 marks a major feature release. Some of the more prominent features include the addition of support for local link cable multiplayer, cheat code support, the Solar Sensor (as used in Boktai), configuration options, and much more. An extensive list follows after the cut.
Ubuntu nightlies are now available!
Feb 14, 2015
After a few days of setup work, nightlies are now available for Ubuntu. Only 64-bit packages for 14.04 are available at this time, although these are likely to work for 14.10 as well. You can find them on the Downloads page.
mGBA 0.1.1
Jan 24, 2015
Read moreA bugfix release of mGBA, version 0.1.1, is released. Please note that this is a bugfix release only and does not include any new features. It aims to increase the compatibility and stability over the previous version.
Classic NES Series Anti-Emulation Measures
Dec 28, 2014
Read moreSome of you may remember a series of peculiar Game Boy Advance games that came out over the course of 2004. In stark contrast with the usual dark grey cartridges with colorful labels, a set of light grey cartridges with simple labels were released containing games ported from the original Nintendo Entertainment System. Dubbed the Classic NES Series in the United States, these games were interesting for a number of reasons.
From a GBA emulation perspective, the games were especially interesting. The average Game Boy Advance game is extremely buggy, and the platform itself contains a number of safeguards to prevent games from crashing. As a result, emulators tend to need to be bug-compatible with the original hardware to ensure that the games actually work. However, the Classic NES Series goes above and beyond the average game in an attempt to ensure they don’t work in emulators.
Nightlies are now available!
Dec 28, 2014
Given the fast pace of development, the fact that there won’t be a feature release for several months (or a bugfix release for several weeks), combined with the fact that people are asking for new things that have already been implemented or fixed, has led to me setting up a nightly build process. For those on Windows or OS X, nightly builds are now available from the Downloads section.
mGBA 0.1.0
Dec 13, 2014
The initial release of mGBA, version 0.1.0, is here! mGBA aims to be a high-quality Game Boy Advance emulator, and I look forward to getting feedback from the community to make it even higher quality in the future.
Get it now in the Downloads section. Binaries are available for Windows and OS X, and the source code is available for all other platforms.
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